
“世界觀”和“訓練版”已發行,其中鈴木Yutaka在其中談到了“ Shenmue 3”中的這項工作的吸引力!

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YS Net發布了一個解釋性預告片“世界視圖”和“訓練版”,探討了最新動作冒險系列“ Shenmue 3”的吸引力,該系列將於11月19日星期二發布!

Following the previous "Story Edition," the director and scriptwriter Suzuki Hiroshi also provides commentary, and the "World View Edition" introduces "Shirakamura" and "Chichimai" that can be visited in this film, while the "Training Edition" talks about the new system "Dojo" and the background behind the protagonist "Hazuki Ryo" mastering Hazuki-ryu jujutsu.

解釋預告片▶“ WorldView”



“ Shenmue 3”最終將於11月19日星期二發售! 👏👏

我正在演奏Shenmue 3試用版,所以這還不錯嗎?

“ Shenmue 3” Gamescom預告片揭幕了!對Suzuki Yu的訪談:“我們目前正在進行最終調整,未計劃發布PS4試用版,故事將無法完成,並且該卷將大約35-40小時。”


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